One of the most common calls we receive at AgeWell Atlanta is about vision issues. Older adults or their family members are concerned about whether or not they can continue driving or living independently, and how vision loss will impact their quality of life. Our highly experienced and compassionate concierges can work with you to find resources you need for driving and getting around with vision loss.
One concierge, Lauri Cohen, recalls two recent instances in which she assisted AgeWell Atlanta callers with vision-related questions.
“A recent inquiry was from a friend calling for a man who was no longer able to drive or do his own grocery shopping due to declining vision,” Lauri said. “We referred him to Eckstein Home Care for an aide to assist him with these activities.”
Eckstein Home Care has a team that is responsive 24 hours a day, seven days a week for medical and non-medical home care. The caring support team can assist with tasks like transportation, meals, helping start and end the day, light housekeeping, and more. Transportation in Atlanta is a real challenge for most older adults and their families, and Eckstein Home Care is one of the many resources AgeWell Atlanta can refer callers to.
“I referred another caller to the Center for the Visually Impaired,” Lauri continued. “Depending on your unique situation, location, and mobility level, there are different resources available. Other options include paratransit services for public transportation, and Lions Lighthouse, which helps lower income individuals in Atlanta get glasses. And that’s just the beginning.”
While there are plenty of resources available when you call the AgeWell Atlanta line at 1.866.AGEWELL(243-9355), it’s important to not wait until you have vision issues to start taking care of your eyes and putting support systems in place. The risk of developing certain eye conditions, like age-related macular degeneration, can be lowered significantly with a healthy diet, exercise, and regular visits to your eye doctor.
“You don’t need to let glaucoma or other eye conditions stop you from participating in our many events throughout the year,” said Jennifer Curry, AgeWell Atlanta Program Manager.. “For example, our biggest collaborative event is Senior Day at the MJCCA. Historically, we have always provided transportation for those who wish to attend. We want to help get you here, and most of all, we want you here.”
AgeWell Atlanta helps aging adults and their families in the metro Atlanta area with support, resources, and warm handoff referrals to places that can help. If you have questions about other age-related topics, contact us today at 1.866.AGEWELL (243-9355) or
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